
Adobe XD supports a subset of HTML events.

Event MDN Link
blur MDN docs
change MDN docs
click MDN docs
close MDN docs
focus MDN docs
input MDN docs
keydown MDN docs
load MDN docs
message MDN docs
pointerEnter MDN docs
pointerMove MDN docs
pointerLeave MDN docs
progress MDN docs
resize MDN docs

The following event classes are supported by XD:


Dispatched whenever the focus leaves the currently focused control. This can be useful if you want to validate the contents of a field immediately after entry.

element.addEventListener("blur", evt => {
    if (Number.isNaN(Number( { = "";
Applies to Focusable controls (input elements, buttons)
Since XD 13


Dispatched after the contents of an input control change. This event only occurs after the last input to the control; so you won't see an event for every key press or mouse move.

element.addEventListener("change", evt => {
Applies to Focusable controls (input elements, buttons)
Since XD 13


Dispatched when the user clicks or taps on the element.

Subsequent clicks may be ignored if they fall within the "double click" time span.

Applies to All elements
Since XD 13


Dispatched when a websocket is closed.

Applies to WebSocket
Since XD 13


Dispatched whenever a focusable control receives focus.

Applies to All focusable controls (input elements, buttons)
Since XD 13


Dispatched whenever there is input in an input control. This will fire with every change.

Applies to All focusable controls (input elements, buttons)
Since XD 13


Dispatched whenever a key is pressed.

Applies to All focusable controls (input elements, buttons)
Since XD 13


Dispatched when the element has loaded.

Applies to Dialogs ( HTMLDialogElement )
Since XD 13


Dispatched when a websocket receives a message.

Applies to WebSocket
Since XD 13


Dispatched when the mouse cursor enters the element's bounds.

Applies to All non-interactive elements. Interactive elements do not support pointer events.
Since XD 13


Dispatched when the mouse cursor moves within the element's bounds.

Applies to All non-interactive elements. Interactive elements do not support pointer events.
Since XD 13


Dispatched when the mouse cursor leaves the element's bounds.

Applies to All non-interactive elements. Interactive elements do not support pointer events.
Since XD 13


Dispatched whenever there is some progress to report in an XMLHttpRequest transfer.

Applies to XMLHttpRequest
Since XD 13


Dispatched whenever a dialog is resized.

Since dialogs cannot be currently resized, this event only fires once, when the dialog is made visible.

Applies to Dialogs ( HTMLDialogElement )
Since XD 13

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