
Dropdowns (or select lists) allow the user to select an item from a dropdown list. There are various loudness options available.


Dropdown anatomy
Figure: Dropdown anatomy
Dropdowns on macOS
Figure: Dropdowns on macOS
Dropdowns on Windows 10
Figure: Dropdowns on Windows 10
    .row { align-items: center; }
         <option value="1">First value</option>
         <option value="2">Second value</option>
         <option value="9">Last value</option>
    <select uxp-quiet="true">
         <option value="1">First value</option>
         <option value="2">Second value</option>
         <option value="9">Last value</option>
<label class="row">
         <option value="1">First value</option>
         <option value="2">Second value</option>
         <option value="9">Last value</option>
<label class="row">
    <select uxp-quiet="true">
         <option value="1">First value</option>
         <option value="2">Second value</option>
         <option value="9">Last value</option>


You can render a typical dropdown using the following:

    <span>Target Artboard</span>
        <option value="artboard-1">Icon</option>
        <option value="artboard-2">Thumbnail</option>
        <option value="artboard-3">Preview</option>
    <span>Target Artboard</span>
    <select uxp-quiet="true">
        <option value="artboard-1">Icon</option>
        <option value="artboard-2">Thumbnail</option>
        <option value="artboard-3">Preview</option>
const labelWrapper = document.createElement("label");
const label = document.createElement("span");
label.textContent = "Target Artboard";

const select = document.createElement("select");
select.uxpQuiet = true; // if you want a quiet dropdown

const options = [
    ["artboard-1", "Icon"],
    ["artboard-2", "Thumbnail"],
    ["artboard-3", "Preview"]
].map(([val, text]) => {
    const el = document.createElement("option");
    el.setAttribute("value", val);
    el.textContent = text;
    return el;

options.forEach(opt => select.appendChild(opt));
function render() {
    return (
                <span>Target Artboard</span>
                    <option value="artboard-1">Icon</option>
                    <option value="artboard-2">Thumbnail</option>
                    <option value="artboard-3">Preview</option>
                <span>Target Artboard</span>
                <select uxp-quiet="true">
                    <option value="artboard-1">Icon</option>
                    <option value="artboard-2">Thumbnail</option>
                    <option value="artboard-3">Preview</option>


Include a Label

Dropdowns should always have a label — otherwise the dropdown can be ambiguous. There are occasions where context may make what the dropdown does obvious (for example, a sort-by dropdown).

Label Position

Ensure that the label is rendered above or to the left of the dropdown. When rendering labels to the left, you can use code like the following:

    .row { align-items: center; }
<label class="row">

Avoid truncating items by ensuring that the dropdown is wide enough for the longest item.


The dropdown's label should use title case, while the items themselves should use sentence case.


Key Action
SPACE Displays the dropdown (if closed) or selects the highlighted item
UP ARROW Displays the dropdown (if closed) or selects the previous item in the select list
DOWN ARROW Displays the dropdown (if closed) or selects the next item in the select list
ENTER Submits the active form (if dropdown is closed) or selects the highlighted item
TAB Navigates to the next focusable control
SHIFT+TAB Navigates to the previous focusable control


Dropdowns accept a limited amount of styling. You cannot change the following styles:

  • Minimum width
  • Font family, color, or weight
  • Height
  • Position of the chevron
  • Color of the dropdown's border or chevron
  • Background color


Supported Attributes

  • disabled
  • value
  • autofocus: autofocus
  • uxp-quiet: true

Unsupported Attributes

  • autocomplete
  • form
  • formaction
  • formenctype
  • formmethod
  • formnovalidate
  • formtarget
  • name

Supported Events

  • change

Known Issues

  • Dropdowns do not receive keyboard or pointer events.
  • <select value="…"/> does not show the value as selected. Instead, get a reference to the element and call setAttribute("value", …).
  • <option> tags must have a value attribute, or referencing the select's value property will return undefined.
  • <option> tags do not support the disabled attribute.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""