Adobe XD Platform


Everything you need to extend the Adobe XD experience

Plugin APIs
Bring your ideas and features to XD
Create a plugin
Cloud Content APIs
Connect XD designs to your product
Start integrating

See what developers are building

XD Plugins

Create your own plugin

Developers extend XD's core functionality with these types of plugins and more, all powered by the XD Plugin APIs.


Connect designers with their teams and stakeholders

Tools & Automation

Accelerate design work with new and unique features

Publish & Handoff

Enable designers to share their work anywhere

Usability & Testing

Help designers ensure their work connects with users

Design Assets

Provide direct access to icons, images, data, and more

XD Cloud Content Integrations

Start integrating today

With the XD Cloud Content APIs, you can bring design work created in XD directly to your product or service.

Bringing designers and developers together

The Adobe XD and Jira Software Cloud integration uses the XD Cloud Content APIs to let designers associate XD prototypes and design specs with Jira issues. This keeps projects organized while providing developers with everything they need to know in the environment they know.

Learn more

Showcase it in XD

Plugin Manager

The XD Plugin Manager lets designers discover plugins and integrations right where they spend their time: in Adobe XD.

Open in XD

List your product

You can publish your plugins and integrations with a description, screenshots, and more.

Link to your listing

You'll get a unique URL that opens the XD Plugin Manager right to your plugin listing.

Get discovered

Users can visit the XD Plugin Manager to browse and search for plugins you publish.

Community & Support

Join the XD Platform forums
Sign up for the CC Developer Newsletter
Visit Adobe XD on GitHub

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